遼陽萬信活性炭有限公司位于遼寧省中部,坐落在遼東半島中部城市群中的一座新興的化學工業(yè)城市。是東北地區(qū)生產(chǎn)高中檔活性炭廠家。年生產(chǎn)能力達6000噸,經(jīng)過幾年的發(fā)展,現(xiàn)已開發(fā)出8種新產(chǎn)品、20多個品種,廣泛用于食品、醫(yī)藥、化工、紡織、油田等單位?! ∪f信公司下屬兩個分公司,一個位于寧夏石嘴山地區(qū),以煤質(zhì)為原料生產(chǎn)煤質(zhì)活性炭;另一個在海南省,主要生產(chǎn)以椰殼為原料的果殼活性炭?! 」緟R集了一批高層次、高素質(zhì)的人才,采用了適合國情的國際經(jīng)營管理方法。建立完整的ISO9001國際質(zhì)量體系,公司具有的產(chǎn)品試驗設備、檢驗儀器,具有優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品開發(fā)環(huán)境。公司的宗旨是:靠科技求發(fā)展,以質(zhì)量求生存。 Liao Yang Wanxin Actived Carbon Co., Ltd. situated on the middle of Liaoning Province. It is located at one of the new growth chemical industry city of the middle Liaodong Penisular. Our company is the only fixed point to produce high and middle level Actived Carbon. The year productivity reaches 6000 ton. Through the development of several years,we have developed 8 kinds of new production and more than 20 varieties now.They are massly used for the factory of food、medicine、textile、oil-field and so on. There are two Branch Establishment belong to Wanxin Company,one located in shi zhui Mountain district in Ningxia province.They produce coal Activated Carbon with coal.Another located in Hainan province,they produce shell Activated Carbon mainly with coco nutshell. Our company has a passel of professional personnel of high level and high disposition. We have established entire ISO9001 international quality guarant system.Weassum advanced experiment device、proof instrument and excellent envirnment of product development. The objective of our company is: rely upon science to develop, count on quality to exist.