德清美倫裝飾材料有限公司位于浙江省德清縣,處于一個交通便利的,風景秀麗的城市。隸屬于洛舍正利指接木皮廠,并且以中國木皮市場為依托,經營木皮,木皮封邊條,科技木皮等裝飾材料。我們接受各種木皮訂單,一定以的質量,盡心的服務,合理的價格來為您服務,歡迎詢價,歡迎蒞臨參觀指導!美倫,讓生活更美!Deqing Meilun Decorative Material Co.,Ltd located in Deqing county,zhejiang province. Deqing is city with convenient transportation and beautiful scenery. We are belong Luoshe zhengli wood veneer factory,and based on the China wood market,we are specilalized in wood veneer,wood veneer edge banding,nature veneer and technology veneer.We accept all kinds of wood veneer orders, with excellent quality, Good service and reasonable prices.Welcom to inquiry,welcome to vist our company.