廣州市荔灣區(qū)楠希電子通訊貿易商行是手機充電器、數據線、移動電源、車充充電器等產品生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。廣州市荔灣區(qū)楠希電子通訊貿易商行的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業(yè)界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業(yè)務洽談。尊敬的各位客戶/合作伙伴Dear customers / partners由于智能觸屏手機越來越多,耗電量不斷增加,電路設計也不斷升級,所以從2014-11-1起我們的充電器也將針對性的進行升級(個別款式),才能讓消費者感覺穩(wěn)定,所以請大家及時咨詢,再者為讓大家更好的認識充電器知識以及給大家相應的質量把關,即日起我們會在店里增加相應的檢測設備。now As intelligent mobile phone touch screen become more and more big,at the same time the power consumption is increasing, constantly upgrading circuit design ,so from 2014-11-1 onwards , our charger will also be targeted to upgrade (some styles charger ), to make sure quality more stable, please timely advice, again for the understanding of knowledge of charger make everyone better and give you the corresponding quality 廣州市荔灣區(qū)楠希電子通訊貿易商行 (廣州楠希貿易聯絡處;新加坡、馬來西亞Shoppy網購合作伙伴、英國hand in hand 長期合作伙伴)(Nancy trade, Singapore/ MalaysiaShoppy online shopping liaison office, British hand in hand long-term partner) 0086-/kangweicong899@163.com/