常州市佳糧機械有限公司地處長江三角洲,南傍312國道,239省道從門前經過.北臨京杭大運河、京滬鐵路、滬寧高速公路,距常州民航機場只有6公里。水、陸、空交通十分便捷。我公司是國內集糧機的研發(fā)、生產、銷售于一體的主要骨干企業(yè)之一。其單機品種涵蓋了清理篩系列、去石機系列、谷糙分離篩系列、白米分級篩系列、米機系列、提升機系列以及日產15T-150T系列成套碾米機設備。產品全國,并已打入國際市場。其的生產工藝、的產品質量均贏得了國內外用戶的信賴和好評。多年來,我公司始終秉承“質量,服務至上”的經營宗旨,今后也將始終如一的以的產品和的服務來回報國內外客商的支持與厚愛。讓我們一起攜手共創(chuàng)佳糧更加美好的未來。Brief IntroductionChangzhou Jialiang Machinery Co., Ltd. is located at The Yangtze River Delta. No. 312 National Highway is to its south. No. 239 Provincial Highway passes through in front of its gate. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Beijing-Shanghai Railway and the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway are to its north. Here is only 6 km away from Changzhou Civil Airport. In a word the traffic by water, land or air here is very convenient.This company is one of domestic large-scale backbone enterprises integrated research, development, production and sale of grain machinery in its one body. The variety of single machine covers cleaning sieve series, stone extractor series, paddy separating sieve series, white polished rice grading sieve series, rice mill series, lifter series and complete rice mill equipment with 15~150T output daily. These products are well sold countrywide and also edged into international market. Because of advanced production process and high quality, these products have won trust and food comment from customers both at home and abroad.For many years this company has carried out the management tenet of “Quality First, Service Paramount” all the time and will pay back customers both at home and abroad for their support and love with top-ranking product and service as always. Let’s create bright future together.